Purging negativities to grab a hold on my sanity.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Desiderata: The ABC of Happiness

Desiderata, is a prose poem written by Max Ehrmann in 1927. Some people call it the Desiderata of Happiness. Well, true enough, his words are to live by. 

I've known Desiderata during one of our English classes in high school. My teacher instructed us to memorize the poem for a graded recitation. Years later, I still remember some lines, because these words are to live by. Whenever I feel down, vexed, jealous, disappointed or angry, Desiderata never fails to calm me down.

And this is my favorite line.
Because I always feel envious of people and start that so called game of lack with them.

Or this. Whenever I feel that urge to be at the center of attention and please people.

Or wait. This can be it. Whenever I feel down and disappointed with myself. Doubting my competencies and actually asking the reason for my existence.

Or actually, this. To remind myself that the world is a nice world to live in and that happiness is a choice.

Well, actually... it's all of it. It really is the ABC of happiness. 


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